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Geospatial science is a multibillion-dollar industry, 研究ers at Saint 路易 University are leading the charge to turn St. 路易成为全国地理空间中心 研究.

Hear three 博彩网址大全 研究ers discuss the importance of geospatial 研究 and its impact 在世界上. Their work is just a small sample of the innovative and compassionate 博彩网址大全正在进行的研究.

Geospatial science is an interdisciplinary field that examines how location impacts a variety of complex issues, from health inequity to national security. St. 路易 is poised to become the national center of this multibillion-dollar industry. “ St. 路易 community is engaged in a great 机会 to transform the city into a national hub for geospatial 研究,” said Vasit Sagan博士.D.,副教授 的GIScience.


Sagan’s 研究 centers on the nexus of food, water and energy. 他使用地理空间 science to monitor climate change, food security and crop productivity. 使用远程 sensing, Sagan is able to determine how large crop yields will be in a given year.

“You see the power of geospatial tools,” Sagan said of his 研究.

Sagan is one of several 研究ers at Saint 路易 University seizing on this exciting 机会. Investments in geospatial science can yield innovative solutions to some 今天最大的挑战. This is because location is at the root of 其中很多挑战.

博彩网址大全 研究ers… are looking at why location matters. 这关系到你的健康结果, to your employment opportunities, to your education,” said 恩巴尔·沙查姆博士.D., M.Ed., associate professor of behavioral science and health education.


Shacham studies health inequity and how neighborhoods influence behavior.

“re are worse [health] outcomes if you live in a poorer neighborhood – even if 你就能获得医疗服务,”沙查姆说. “Where you live shouldn’t dictate how long 你过着多么美好的生活.”

Because of the 大学的 mission – the pursuit of truth for the service of humanity – 博彩网址大全 is uniquely positioned to make a serious impact through geospatial 研究.

“Because of 博彩网址大全’s mission, because of where 博彩网址大全 is located, we can really make an “影响,”内斯·桑多瓦尔博士说.D.他是社会学副教授.

Sandoval uses geospatial science to study economic inequality 在圣. 路易.

“[博彩网址大全] can really make an impact in the neighborhoods that have opportunities for redevelopment, opportunities to attract resources," he said. “我们希望赋予人们权力 to be at the table, using [博彩网址大全] as a resource, helping them dream about a vision that 他们为自己的社区着想.”

The Saint 路易 University Geospatial 研究所

Sagan, Shacham, Sandoval are the leaders of the Saint 路易 University Geospatial 研究所, a collaborative effort to coordinate and grow the already rich geospatial 研究 并在博彩网址大全进行培训. Also known as Geo博彩网址大全, the Geospatial 研究所 is a consortium of faculty and students from various disciplines to promote and develop new 研究 ideas, house high-tech computational facilities to advance 研究 and enhance graduate and undergraduate education.

The mission of the 博彩网址大全 Geospatial 研究所 is to understand our ever-changing world for informed decision making, on the ground and from above, connected together through 空间和时间. 

The goal of the Geospatial 研究所 is to build distinctive strengths in geospatial 研究, training, service and innovation at 博彩网址大全, contribute to establishing St. 路易 as a national geospatial hub, apply geospatial insights to regional and global challenges, develop new partnerships with innovators, industry, federal agencies, as well as local and regional governments and universities.

The Geospatial 研究所 began as “Geo博彩网址大全: The 地理空间研究, Training, Innovation Enterprise,” which received a $50,000 planning grant as part of Saint 路易 大学的 大创意大赛. This competition identifies and invests in projects that have the potential to grow into University-wide strategic 研究 priorities. Geo博彩网址大全领导团队使用的 that 机会 wisely, since then, the project has evolved into the Geospatial 研究所.


Learn more about the three faculty members featured in this article and video:


Vasit Sagan博士.D.

Associate Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
教师 Director, 博彩网址大全 Geospatial 研究所

萨根是博彩网址大全博士项目主任.D. 综合应用科学与硕士.S. 地理 信息科学专业. His 研究 is concerned with water resources and crop 生产力,他使用 遥感 to better understand climate and land use changes.


恩巴尔·沙查姆博士.D., M.Ed.

Associate Professor, Behavioral Science and Health Education
shachham是博彩网址大全博士学位项目的主任.D. 公共卫生研究项目. 她的研究 interests include HIV treatment and prevention, neighborhood conditions and related 不良性健康事件. She conducts 研究 in both clinical and community 设置.



桑多瓦尔是博士项目的联合主任.D. Program in Public and Social Policy and the 管理局局长.A. 社会学专业. 他的主要研究兴趣是不平等 在圣. 路易,而他 uses mapping as a technique to identify where, specifically, problems are located. As part of his 研究, Sandoval works with local community organizations to study the unique challenges facing individual streets and neighborhoods. 他的颗粒,空间 analysis can often pinpoint where, exactly, problems such as crime and economic insecurity are worse, thus informing effective responses.